Writing a good immigration recommendation letter can be daunting. You don't want to come across as a pushy recruiter. You also don't want to appear as a lawyer. Using terminology like "I will do" or "I can do" is a no-no. Instead, let the candidate explain what they can achieve for an employer by using your services. This helps the hiring manager focuses on the hiring process on the candidate's specific abilities and experiences.
It's important to know how to write a good letter of recommendation. It starts with an attention grabbing headline. Tell the reader something about you and your experience that would entice them to hire you over someone else. Let them know that you want to help them relocate to the United States (or Canada). Then tell them what your specific benefits are. One of the best parts of hiring international talent is that you don't have to explain these benefits to everyone you meet - you let them know what they can expect from you in the beginning and then let them determine if they want to hire you or not.
Another important aspect of crafting a great letter of recommendation is to let the reader know that you believe in the equality and freedoms of a democratic society. If you are a highly skilled professional who wants to immigrate to the United States, don't sound too socialist or too capitalist. Instead, let the reader know that you are a free-marketeer and that you believe in the ability of people to live better lives if they are allowed to. The ability to sell yourself as a skilled open- Borders worker is just as important in writing lor service as it is in any other form of business.